Jaša Jenull, Vida Bren Cerkvenik

May 16 at 1.30 pm
Venue: Gledališče Glej
Duration: 60 minutes
Slovene language performance.

This “post-modern collage in mixed technique” is a project created by two young directors driven by “the need to liberate the theatrical process and their own artistic integrity from the yoke of the academic and the received.” The Ljud Group is a collective that combines theatre professionals and amateurs under the principal of gesamtkunstwerk. Its works are structured as open in terms of genre and communication with the audience. Ciklus Ljud is a cycle of performances of which we have already seen Cirkus Ljud, Biti John Barth (Being John Barth), Korun’s Death and Dejanje s klobukom (Act with a Hat).

Vida Bren Cerkvenik is a graduate of AGRFT, the Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. She has created, independently or in collaboration with members of other creative teams, more than 25 original theatre projects. She collaborates with the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, is a co-founder of the Ljud Group, and a member of the artistic leadership of the Šentjakob theatre.

Jaša Jenull, a graduate of AGRFT, has dedicated himself to the medium of radio, and has created, directed, acted, designed lighting or sound for more than 25 different theatrical events. In 2006, he, Vida Bren Cerkvenik, and Marko Bratuš took over the artistic leadership of the Šentjakobsko gledališče. He is a founding member of the Ljud Group.

Directors: Jaša Jenull, Vida Bren Cerkvenik
Set design: Gerhard Feldbacher
Costume design: Katarina Zalar
Music: Sanja Žmavc, Mladen Baćić
Set assistant Martina Kočevar
Production: Gledališče Glej




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